The world’s workers are going mobile.
By 2020, nearly three quarters of the American workforce – 105 million people – will be mobile employees. Worldwide, 1.87 billion people will be deskless workers by 2022.
How do companies make sure these workers still have the tools to perform their jobs?
That’s a question Keith Steidle, Havis’ director of business development and marketing, tackles in July’s edition of Field Technology Magazine.
Steidle’s article, “Maximizing the Productivity of Today’s Mobile Office,” discusses how to define the needs of the workforce, and how to identify the best way to manage the installation process.
What are your employee’s mobile office needs?
Well-installed, customized mobile solutions can be a boon for your workers, but it takes considerate planning and organization to reach a solution that will solve specific business problems and work function requirements.
At the same time, you should consider employee satisfaction and their integrated mobile experience. For example: workers in the field may need mounted tablets in their vehicles that can also be easily undocked for portable use.
Consider these factors as you plan your mobile office productivity solution:
1. Vehicle type
2. Equipment
What equipment do you have? Can it be relocated to a new vehicle? Find out what equipment is compatible with the vehicle’s make and model — whether tablets, keyboards, printers, radios, etc. Don’t assume the equipment you have can make the move to a new vehicle. After you identify what equipment you have, you need to pin point what new equipment will benefit the mobile office — including software, hardware, docking and mounting solutions, and accessories such as screen blanking.
3. Impact on the worker
How will the equipment and vehicle selections you make affect the worker’s safety, comfort and productivity every day?
Designing a mobile office without ergonomic considerations can lead to lower productivity and put workers at risk of injuries. The best way to oblige end users is to incorporate their input early on.
Once you establish the scope of your equipment needs, you can determine the best way to manage installation. Vehicle installations directly impact job applications, so keep in mind that economy does not equal efficiency.
There are several kinds of installations, including turn-key, multiple vendor, agency fleet shop, full upfit, OEM package, and nationwide mobile fleet installation companies.
Making decisions based on occupant safety and overall value rather than simply on cost will let you create a total mobility solution that matches your needs and budget.
A well-planned, well-organized installation can boost driver comfort and productivity, advance safety, and enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
An installation partner with the proper expertise, industry connections and project management skills can be a priceless resource when creating a mobile office solution to boost fleet productivity.
This partner can identify your mobile office productivity needs, as well as the equipment that meets your specifications, and then deliver a system at a reasonable price.
The more you know about installation concerns, the better equipped you’ll be to tell this partner the goals and requirements you have for this project.
For more information on Havis’ solutions for mobile office productivity, visit us online or contact your Havis representative. And be sure to read Keith Steidle’s complete article to learn more about mobile office productivity